Safety measures concerning Coronavirus
Upon your visit, you are kindly asked to follow the safety measures concerning Coronavirus:
- Eligibility for RVT (Recovered – Vaccinated – Tested) rule is mandatory for all visitors over 15 years of age
- Only healthy visitors are permitted to enter the museum.
- Hygiene of cough and careful hand washing should be considered.
- All visitors are requested to wear a mask.
- Disinfection of hands is required before entering the museum.
- Visitors should maintain adequate physical distance (2 m) from each other during the visit.
- It is necessary to follow the outlined route and the direction of the circular tour of the exhibition grounds.
- If it is possible, use of the elevator is to be avoided.
- Respect restriction of the number of visitors aloud to enter the museum at the same time.
- The number of visitors to the museum is limited to 90 people.
More informations:
Reception SEM:, T: 01 / 300 87 45
PR:, T: 01 / 300 87 80